I don't fill in my brows anymore... haven't for awhile now. It's not because they look great; it's because I just don't care that much. But my lashes, I always try to hide. Here's what I'm doing lately to hide the damage and loss. Top left is no eye make-up (barely any top lashes). Top right is with eyeliner. Bottom left is eyeliner + eye-shadow. Bottom right is my end result, eyeliner + eye-shadow + mascara. 

Here's a close-up (not like the previous ones aren't close... sheesh!) of no make-up and full make-up.
Overall, I have to say I'm pretty content with my trich. My damage is bad, but it doesn't bother me too much. Would I love longer lashes? YES! But I'm okay with what I have and don't have. If I had lashes... they'd look a lot like these beauty's. Afterall, she got them from me.