Today was a first (at least to my knowledge it was). I was driving and something kept bugging my eye. When I finally got a chance, I took a look at it. It was just an upper lash that kept snagging on a bottom lash. But they I noticed something... I hadn't finished filling in my left eyebrow (the joys of getting ready with little ones running around)!! It's pretty noticeable in the picture below, but let me tell you- it looked waaaaay worse in person! And unfortunately I wasn't going straight home- so I couldn't fix it. I was meeting my mother-in-law in just a few minutes to go shopping. And there's no way I could leave it like that- one eyebrow filled in and one partial filled in. So my only option- rub off all the eyebrow make-up and go without. Not sure if that option was any better though- I looked like I had no brows (I do, just very light, thin, and patchy). Ugh... what an ugly day! 

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