Wednesday, September 4, 2013

With and Without Make-up

One eye with make-up and one eye without.
Pretty obvious which one is which (click to enlarge).
Only my husband and kids see me without make-up on a regular basis (well, and you guys have seen your fair share of pictures too).  Some of my other family members may have seen me without, but that's extremely rare.  And I don't go out in public without make-up and even my closet friends haven't seen me without.  And yes, I know most people look a little different without make-up... but I feel like a totally different person- a very unattractive person that I wouldn't want people to see.  I wonder what my kids think (they're 6, 4, and 2)... can they tell a drastic difference like I can or do I still just seem like Mom either way.  Hmmm??  


  1. i don't think your kids even think about it. you look great either way, honestly. i don't wear makeup around the house either. it just feels better!

    1. Being a stay-at-home-mom, I usually don't put make-up on unless I'm leaving the house. They kids probably see me equally both ways. You're probably right- they probably don't notice. In fact, they haven't said anything about my lack of lashes or brows or short fly-away hairs. I know someday I'll have to sit down and talk to them about trich... not sure when or how, but someday.

  2. No matter what, you're beautiful, inside and out. Jadyn knows a little about Trich, doesn't she?

    1. Not sure how much Jadyn really knows. Once she told me to stop picking at my hair (or something like that). But that's it. So I'm not sure she (or the other two) know that I actually pull it out. Or maybe they just think nothing of it cause they've always seen me do it. Maybe they'll grow up and be more acceptable of people's disorders/issues.
      And thank you, Heather, you're too sweet :)
