Wednesday, July 18, 2012

How cool is this?!  Look at the progress the Trichster movie has made since I posted yesterday!  I really hope they reach their goal.  Having a documentary out on trich will educate so many people.  So please consider donating- even if it's just $1.  My sister and I have already donated- thank you so much, Sissy, for supporting something that means so much to me.  I'm pretty lucky to have such a supportive family!  Okay, so go check out Trichster and watch the trailer.  If you want to see this movie made- do your part... donate and/or spread the word to others.  We can make this happen!
Note: Their goal is to reach $10,000 by Friday, August 17th.  But ultimately they need to raise $20,000 to produce this film.  So there's a long way to go.  And unlike many other disorders, diseases, conditions, ect...Trichotillomania doesn't have a celebrity voice or some famous person getting the word out.  We are the ones that need to make it happen.  It's up to us to spread the word and educate people.

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